3 Ingredient Blackhead Busting Face Mask

I was recently asked about my skin care routine on instagram. Or rather they were lushing over my perfect skin, dying to know my secrets. Which I immediately divulged; Clarendon. That's an instagram filter. Yeah, my skin is far from perfect. 

An easy three ingredient blackhead busting face mask that you can make with pantry staples from www.goingzerowaste.com

I had perfect skin in high school. Boy, oh, boy did I hit the jackpot - adult acne! .....jackpot in hell.

An un-edited, candid photo snapped of baby me. My face exploded with acne my sophomore year of college. As a note, if any of you are struggling with acne - it gets better. It always does. It's something I am still self-conscious about. When I look in the mirror, sometimes this is the face I still see. But, I promise you - it gets better!

And, it has gotten SOOOOO much better - both my acne and eyeliner skills. I don't feel that I am an expert on skin care routines. Skin care is so individual. If I ever find a perfect skin care routine, I'll let you know. But, until then let me tell you about this awesome face mask. 

An easy three ingredient blackhead busting face mask that you can make with pantry staples from www.goingzerowaste.com

Because, I am an expert on DIY face masks! I deal with a lot of under the skin stuff and cystic acne. Since switching to all natural products, I haven't had any cysts. The under the skin stuff fluctuates between good days and bad days. Bad days happen especially around that time of the month. Damn you hormones. 

An easy three ingredient blackhead busting face mask that you can make with pantry staples from www.goingzerowaste.com

So, when I'm having a bad day, besides stuffing my face with chocolate covered almonds and listening to the Hamilton sound track on repeat - I do this face mask! This one instantly lifts my spirits and skin. It will leave your skin glowing like the radiant goddess your are - seriously you won't be disappointed. 

An easy three ingredient blackhead busting face mask that you can make with pantry staples from www.goingzerowaste.com

Face Mask

  • 1 Teaspoon Bentonite Clay (bought in bulk from the beauty section of Berkeley Bowl)
  • 1 Teaspoon Baking Soda (bought in the bulk section of Whole Foods)
  • 1 Teaspoon of Activated Charcoal (bought in bulk from the beauty section at Rainbow)

how to use:

3 teaspoons equals 1 Tablespoon. This is the perfect amount for one face. Use a wooden spoon for your clay or it will deactivate! Stir together, and add several drops of water to create a paste. Apply to a dry face. Let the mask dry/harden, and keep it on for 15 minutes. You can keep it on longer, but I have relatively sensitive skin. Wash off with water and pat dry. Your face will be pink; because, the clay increases blood flow. 

An easy three ingredient blackhead busting face mask that you can make with pantry staples from www.goingzerowaste.com


  • Bentonite Clay: Absorbs toxins, draws out dirt, clears pores, helps regenerate skin tissue, reduces appearances of scars, excellent natural exfoliation 
  • Baking Soda: Mild antiseptic, anti-inflamatory, opens pores, helps heal scars, reduces acne, eliminates black heads, brings the glow, smooths skin
  • Activated Charcoal: Clears pores, improves skin tone, draws out dirt, shrinks pores, deep cleans, gentle exfoliation, balances oil, tightens skin
An easy three ingredient blackhead busting face mask that you can make with pantry staples from www.goingzerowaste.com

All of these ingredients work together. The baking soda will open your pores to allow all of the toxins to be pulled out of your skin and fight those black heads. The activated charcoal will then help minimize the pores. Leaving you with glowing smooth skin at the end.

Like most face masks, I wouldn't do it more than once or twice a week. I have very dry skin. So, I only do a face mask once a week, and I like to rotate this one and a deep moisturizing mask. 

What are some of your favorite face masks to make?