Simple Homemade Lavender Bath Salts

Happy Valentine's day everyone! I hope that you're enjoying a meaningful day and reflecting on those you care about. 

Learn how to make simple, zero waste, homemade lavender bath salts from

There a few things I love more than a nice steamy bath. In fact, I'm pretty positive most bad days can be solved by eating a big delicious meal, taking a hot bath, and getting a good night's sleep. 

Growing up I would always give my friends "spa" kits. My mom and I would make them together. We'd get a little basket and place bath salts or bath bombs, lotion, and a face mask or sugar scrub. Everything you'd need to give yourself a little pampering. 

I realize now, how easy it'd be to make these baskets all over again but with easy DIY products. A lot of the products we included probably had pretty questionable ingredients. 

Learn how to make simple, zero waste, homemade lavender bath salts from

The lavender bath salts I used to always keep by the tub were an unnatural shade of purple. I just looked up their ingredients and yikes - low-quality salt with synthetic fragrances and dyes.

Bath salts are so easy to make zero waste! There's no need for those unnecessary ingredients. 

I used to take a bath every night to relax, but that isn't the best use of our water... especially in drought-stricken Califonia. While we're getting out of the drought now, we still shouldn't be wasteful.  

Instead, I take a bath around once a month as a treat. I enjoy it so much more. I typically do a face mask and sprinkle in some bath salts for optimal relaxation. 

Learn how to make simple, zero waste, homemade lavender bath salts from

Making my own bath salts allows me to control the ingredients! I use epsom salt which can be found in bulk at rainbow. (You can find premade bath salts there too if you don't want to make your own.)

epsom salt: 

It's not actually salt. It's a mineral compound made of magnesium and sulfate. It was originally discovered around the natural healing baths in Epsom, England. 

Epsom salts help to easy achy muscles and relieve stress. When we're stressed or anxious our bodies pump out adrenaline. That adrenaline depletes the body of magnesium. But, we need magnesium to raise our serotonin, which helps us relax. 

Learn how to make simple, zero waste, homemade lavender bath salts from

In other words we need magnesium to help us chill and American's, on average, aren't eating enough magnesium rich foods. So, eat some brown rice, avocado, cashews, spinach, and jump in a nice minerally magnesium rich bath. Researchers are divided over whether magnesium can actually enter your bloodstream this way.... but couldn't hurt? 

To make this extra relaxing, I add lavender. 


Lavender helps reduce stress and anxiety. It also helps with headaches and menstrual cramps. I used to make a lavender sheet spray, and I'd spray it on the sheets before going to bed. It really helped when I was super stressed and battling insomnia. 

But most importantly, lavender has always been my favorite scent. For Christmas, I was sent a jar of dried lavender from The Growing Club. As soon as I got it, I knew exactly how I would use it. Half making these sachets and half making these dreamy bath salts.

Learn how to make simple, zero waste, homemade lavender bath salts from

Let me tell you this recipe is stupid simple, but a total WOW factor. Put these in a little jar, attach a tiny wooden spice spoon, and they make a great gift for Galentine's or Mother's Day!  

simple homemade lavender bath salts:

  • 1 Part Dried Lavender (can be found in the bulk herb or tea section at Rainbow and IntegriTea)
  • 2 Parts Epsom Salt (can be found in the beauty section of Rainbow)

Place in a small jar and vigorously shake. 

IT'S THAT SIMPLE. You could also add some lavender essential oil to bump up the scent, but I don't have any. 

What's your go to method for relaxation?