Vegan Broccoli and Cheddar Soup

Well, El Nino is definitely here which means rainboots, cozy sweaters, oversized scarfs, and soup. When you’re chilled to the bone nothing quite says “Let me warm you up,” like a big snuggly bowl of warm, creamy soup. And, fresh baked rolls. Mmmmm.

Vegan, Zero Waste, Broccoli and Cheese soup from

While these creamy soups are delicious, they're not exactly health food. I did the calorie calculations. Homemade, dairy packed, broccoli and cheese is 575 calories and my recipe is 265 a serving and just as delicious. It's also full of vitamins! I promise, your family will have no idea they're eating so many vegetables! 

Vegan, Zero Waste, Broccoli and Cheese soup from

And, you've saved so many calories, you can feel A-OK about putting this in a bread bowl. This was inspired by my nacho cheese recipe.

Vegan Broccoli and Cheese Soup

4 Servings, 30 Minutes

4 Carrots

2 Red Potatoes

2 Yellow Potatoes

1/2 a Red Bell Pepper

1/2 an Orange Bell Pepper

1/2 a Yellow Onion

3 Cloves of Garlic

1/4 Cup of Leek

2/3 Cup of Cashews

3 Cups of Veggie Stock

1 Head of Broccoli Divided in Half (one part boiled, one part steamed for garnish)

1 Tablespoon of Pepper, Kosher Salt, Onion Powder, Garlic Powder, Turmeric, Sweet Smoked Spanish Paprika, and Nutritional Yeast 

Chop all of your vegetables, reserve half of the broccoli, and boil until tender roughly 20 minutes. Steam the broccoli while everything else is boiling. I like to place a colander over my pot of boiling liquid and put the lid on.

Place your spices and cashews in the bottom of your high powered blender. If you don't have a high power blender, you may need to soak the cashews at least three hours. Pour one cup of boiling water from your veggies in the blender with 3 cups of stock and all of the vegetables. Blend on high for 1-2 minutes. It should turn to a lovely, thick creamy consistency. If it's too thick, add a little more stock to thin.

Vegan, Zero Waste, Broccoli and Cheese soup from

You may have to separate this into two separate blendings. If you do, blend 1/3 cup of cashews, 1/2 a cup of boiling liquid, 1 1/2 cups of stock, and roughly half of your veggies. 

This soup is good first day, but it's so much better after the flavors combine overnight. You have to make this, this winter. Tastes like sin, but guilt free! 

Vegan, Zero Waste, Broccoli and Cheese soup from

If you make this please share with me on instagram! Use my hashtag #goingzerowaste. I love following along with your journeys!