7 Tips for Eco-Friendly Grocery Shopping

Ah, grocery shopping a task that you either love or HATE. I personally love grocery shopping.

You might remember my ultimate guide to zero waste grocery shopping that goes over how to tare a jar and navigate those bulk-bins, but this guide - it’s a little bit different.

It goes beyond just how to shop without a package, but how to shop in a more eco-friendly way whether you have access to bulk stores or not.

Plus, when you shop this way not only is it better for the planet, you will save A LOT of money. And, isn’t that something we all want?

7 tips for eco-friendly grocery shopping that will save you hundreds! from www.goingzerowaste.com #zerowaste #ecofriendly #groceryshopping #savemoney #withoutcoupons #saveongroceries #howtosaveongroceries
This post was sponsored by Earthwise bags. All thoughts and opinions are my own. For more information, please see my disclosure policy.

Earthwise was founded 14 years ago long before ending plastic pollution became mainstream. Co-founders Steve and Stan started seeing plastic everywhere. When they left the house whether it was on a jog, a hike or just to the store, they started noticing plastic pollution everywhere.

There were plastic bags stuck in trees, bushes, and streams. The urban debris was an eyesore, but beyond that, they learned that plastic was terrible for the environment.

Only 9% of plastic has ever been recycled and shopping bags/plastic films are very difficult to recycle. So, they decided to start making reusable bags!

But, one of my favorite aspects of the company is that they give back! Earthwise is partnered with non-profits like Friends of the LA River to clean up the debris in the Los Angeles River basin. They also support Heal the Bay, Surfrider Foundation, Coalition for Clean Air, and Project Save our Surf!

7 tips for eco-friendly grocery shopping that will save you hundreds! from www.goingzerowaste.com #zerowaste #ecofriendly #groceryshopping #savemoney #withoutcoupons #saveongroceries #howtosaveongroceries

our budget:

My husband and I shop plastic-free, local, organic, and only spend about $250 a month on food. Yep. And, that’s with eating most of our meals at home.

We on average go out to eat about 2-3 times a week. We typically go out for one lunch, one dinner (either go out to a nice dinner or grab a pizza), and then go out to breakfast once on the weekends.

Check out this post if you want to know how to properly dispose of those pizza boxes!

I think that our grocery bill is very low, and I attribute that to eating a more eco-friendly diet. The fact is eating a lot of overly packaged processed foods are really expensive! When you cut the packaging you really do save.

7 tips for eco-friendly grocery shopping that will save you hundreds! from www.goingzerowaste.com #zerowaste #ecofriendly #groceryshopping #savemoney #withoutcoupons #saveongroceries #howtosaveongroceries

1. bring your own bags:

We all know that we should be bringing our own bags to the grocery store, if you’re the kind of person that tends to forget, then I’ve got some hacks for you in this post How to Actually Remember to Bring Your Bags to the Grocery Store.

But, beyond it being eco-friendy did you know that a lot of grocery stores will pay you to bring your own bags? Yep our local co-op and whole foods will pay us .05 for every bag which can really add up!

Here’s a few of my favorite bags!

Don’t forget the produce bags too!

2. shop the perimeter:

You’ve heard all the healthy eating advocates say it, but now you’re going to hear the eco-warriors say it too - shop the perimeter! The most over packaged foods you’re going to find are processed foods. After all, which do you think involves more packaging, a box of chips-a-hoy or buying flower, sugar and the other ingredients?

It’s definitely less packaging to buy the ingredients yourself and you also don’t have to worry about any unnecessary additives and palm oil. So, if you want to avoid a bunch of excess packaging bulk store or not then you’re definitely going to want to shop the perimeter of the grocery store!

I’ve also found that ditching the processed food has saved me a lot of money just check out my post on how I saved $3,000 dollars a year and most of it was from cutting out processed foods!

Chips and cookies really add up to a big expense and I found I could get a much better bargain if I was opting for grains and veg.

7 tips for eco-friendly grocery shopping that will save you hundreds! from www.goingzerowaste.com #zerowaste #ecofriendly #groceryshopping #savemoney #withoutcoupons #saveongroceries #howtosaveongroceries

3. go heavy on the veg:

One of the best ways to reduce your impact on the environment is to eat a more plant-based diet, and that’s great for your wallet because vegetables are typically the cheapest items in the grocery store.

Just remember, when you’re shopping to grab those reusable produce baags! I like these because they’re super light weight and cashiers can scan the barcodes through them, and these are great because they’re organic. I use booth all the time. I even use my reusable produce bags for buying nuts, grains, seeds, and chocolate from the bulk bins!

7 tips for eco-friendly grocery shopping that will save you hundreds! from www.goingzerowaste.com #zerowaste #ecofriendly #groceryshopping #savemoney #withoutcoupons #saveongroceries #howtosaveongroceries

4. buy less:

Food waste is a huge problem. If food waste were a country, it would be the third largest emitter of greenhouse gasses behind China and the US. And, while it’s obviously a problem for the environment, it’s also a huge problem for our wallets! You might as well just be throwing money in the trash.

We’re prone to overbuy at the grocery store whether that’s because we forgot our list, impulse buys, or that we just buy too much.

The first thing you should do is come up with a rough meal plan, take stock of what you have in your fridge and pantry before you leave your house. Get my tips for making a 5 minute meal plan!

When in doubt, just buy less. Put back a few of those mushrooms or green beans in your mesh produce bags, take a few things out of your cart and don’t be fooled by sales. It’s not a sale if you’re not going to eat it.

7 tips for eco-friendly grocery shopping that will save you hundreds! from www.goingzerowaste.com #zerowaste #ecofriendly #groceryshopping #savemoney #withoutcoupons #saveongroceries #howtosaveongroceries

5. read the labels:

Make sure that you’re reading those labels! There are so many different certificates and logos that you can opt for like fair-trade, organic, safe catch, non-gmo, social association, etc. to make sure that the products you’re buying are good for the environment! This really deserves a whole post, let me know if this interests you.

7 tips for eco-friendly grocery shopping that will save you hundreds! from www.goingzerowaste.com #zerowaste #ecofriendly #groceryshopping #savemoney #withoutcoupons #saveongroceries #howtosaveongroceries

6. shop local and in season:

Food can travel a long way to get to your plate. Things like tomatoes and berries aren’t in season in the Northern Hemisphere in December. In order to get them to the grocery store they had to be flown, trucked, or boated in from a long distance which adds to the emissions and price tag of an item.

To save money and help the environment make sure that you’re opting for produce that is in season and local to you! One of the best ways to do that is to shop at your local farmers market.

You can feel extra chic with a cute reusable bag, and don’t forget those reusable produce bags too!

7 tips for eco-friendly grocery shopping that will save you hundreds! from www.goingzerowaste.com #zerowaste #ecofriendly #groceryshopping #savemoney #withoutcoupons #saveongroceries #howtosaveongroceries

7. be material mindful:

Not everyone is going to have access to glorious bulk bins, and that’s OK! Just be mindful of what materials you’re consuming, and if you’re shopping the perimeter and eating mostly plant-based foods, you’ll wind up throwing very little away. Get my full guide on materials in this post How to Shop Zero Waste Without Bulk Bins.

Do you have any tips for saving money at the grocery store all while being eco-friendly? I would love to hear them!

And, another big thank you to Earthwise for sponsoring this post!

5 Simple Swaps for a Zero Waste Bathroom

This is going to be a quick blog post to share five easy zero waste swaps for the bathroom - these five swaps are great for beginners.

I’m trying to write short blog posts to accompany all of my YouTube videos, and this is a follow up to a post I did a couple month’s ago 5 Easy Swaps for a Zero Waste Kitchen.

Speaking of which, if you haven’t check out my YouTube channel… what are you waiting for? Head on over and subscribe!

5 simple swaps for a zero waste bathroom from www.goingzerowaste.com #bathroom #zerowaste #swaps #ecofriendly

Some of the links below are affiliate links for more information please see my disclosure policy.

1. bamboo toothbrush:

This should come as no surprise, but once you finish with your current toothbrush why not switch to a bamboo one? Brush with Bamboo is my all time fave!!

I have been working with Brush with Bamboo for years! They were actually the very first sponsored post on GZW and we’ve had a great relationship ever since. There are tons of other bamboo toothbrush companies that have popped up since (BWB was the first on the scene!) and I don’t think any hold a candle.

Zero Waste Toothpowder + Brush with Bamboo
Zero Waste Toothpaste
The Life of a Toothbrush

2. safety razor:

I love using a safety razor. Am I slightly scared of it? Yes. But only a little. I’ve used one for years and I’ve only nicked myself a few times. This is the razor I have.

Be sure to check out this post if you’re looking for a guide to safety razors and this one if you’re wondering how do I clean my safety razor?

3. bar of soap:

Does a simpler swap exist? Change out your crazy colored body wash for something a bit more natural… like a bar of soap! I talked all about this one in my Winter Favorites Video.

The my favorite videos are some of my favorite to film… because who wouldn’t want to talk about their favorite things. In true zero waste fashion, mine are made up of things that bring me joy like older items and something that aren’t even things!

4. toner:

So, I’m not really sure if this is a tip or swap - I’ll let you decide! Instead of letting your toner absorb into your reusable cloth pads, put your toner in a spray bottle! Boom, less waste.

Pour your toner into a spray bottle, and then spritz your face and let it air dry. I used an old spray bottle, but also have several of these and LOVE them.

This one simple swap has doubled the life of my toner bottle! And, my skin care routine isn’t cheap so I love that I’m saving money and wasting less.

My zero waste skin care routine - morning edition
Zero waste makeup brands
Zero waste skincare brands

5. dry shampoo:

Now, you know how much I LOVE my dry shampoo, I’ve got a full post and recipe on How to Make Eco-Friendly Dry Shampoo.

And, I love that I store it in the most adorable salt shaker that looks just like Nala! A friend picked it up at a thrift shop a few years ago.

Of course, if DIY isn’t your thing, here’s two dry shampoos with clean ingredients that come in recyclable and/or reusable packaging. La Tierra Sagrada and Captain Blankenship.

I hope you enjoyed this short video and blog post! What’s a simple swap you’ve made to make your bathroom more eco-friendly?

Ethical and Eco-Friendly Summer Trends for 2019

I’m so excited about writing this post. Most of y’all know that I have had an interesting journey when it comes to my wardrobe.

I used to have A LOT of clothes, and was always very fashionable, but of course that involved a lot of fast fashion and a mild shopping addiction. Then I decided just to cut the whole thing and drop down to an 18 piece wardrobe which crashed, burned, and went up in flames which you can read about here.

where to find ethical and eco-friendly spring and summer trends from www.goingzerowaste.com #ecofriendly #ethicalfashion #sustainablefashion #springtrends #summertrends

Some of the links below maybe affiliate links please see my disclosure policy for more information. All of the brands that I will be linking to are eco-friendly and ethical brands!

I’ve been on a wardrobe quest for a while now, and I’m finally starting to get serious about it and started the Wardrobe Project, which I’ve honestly been a little bit too embarrassed to post about…

But, it all boils down to building the wardrobe of my dreams. I tend to buy basics sustainably and ethically made and opt to grab trendy pieces from secondhand stores. I figured I’d round up all of the trends I’m looking for and keep you updated on the status.

You can get my 6 tips for mastering shopping secondhand and 10 places to buy secondhand online.

finding the latest trends at ethical and sustainable stores:

It’s not impossible, but it is a bit more difficult because sustainable and ethical brands typically focus on pieces that are meant to stand the test of time.

That’s not saying you can get cute prints and fashionable pieces, but it will be difficult to find hyper/seasonal trends… and you’re not going to be able to get ahead of the trend. You’ll always be a bit behind.

finding the latest trends at secondhand stores:

It can be difficult to find trends secondhand for a few reasons:

  1. most people haven’t bought the trends and then had enough time to decide to donate it.

  2. the trendy pieces will be the FIRST pieces snatched up so you’ll have to be super vigilant.

Speaking of donating clothes have you checked out my ultimate guide to recycling clothes? Yes even your holey socks and undies!

finding the latest trends at vintage stores:

You might have the most success finding trendy pieces at your vintage stores because all trends are cyclical. I mean the 80s have been back for a while and the 90s are in full SWING.

1. short suits:

Short suits are technically a 2018 summer trend, but I’m obsessed. I have never felt more Kathryn than wearing a pair of high-waisted shorts, a blazer and loafers or sneakers.

I’ve managed to thrift the perfect pair of vintage, high-waisted khaki shorts! If you’re in my area then you have to check out my Zero Waste Guide to the San Francisco Bay Area so you can eat all the best foods and score the perfect vintage finds.

I got black high-waisted paper bag shorts and the PERFECT slightly oversized khaki blazer from thredUP and you can get $10 off your first purchase with that link!

I had a long black blazer that I was about to donate because it had a sheer ruffle lapel, but I took the ruffle lapel off. Combine that with my black and shorts and BOOM - the perfect set!

khaki shorts
Linen cotton slightly oversized blazer

2. watches:

Now, it’s not like watches are all of the sudden in trend. I’m pretty sure watches will always be in trend, but it just happens to be one that I’m picking up on right now. I think that wearing a watch really brings a whole outfit together.

I have been searching for a watch with a white face, silver hardware and a tan leather strap FOREVER. And, I’m so excited to have FINALLY found one with Nordgreen a sustainable, Scandinavian watch company.

Nordgreen is a new Scandinavian watch brand. They have minimal, classic watches and offer inter-changeable straps so you (me) can finally get that watch you’ve been dreaming about!

They’re also partnered with three non-profit organizations and every purchase you can provide two months of clean water to one person in the The Central African Republic, two months of education to a child in India, or preserve 200 sq. ft. of rain forest in Latin America.

This is the watch I got and you can get 15% off with the code ZEROWASTE15

Citizen Stainless Steel Watch <——— I also got this watch, and is one of my favs!
Classic Engineering Minimalist Watch
Lux Wood Watches

where to find ethical and eco-friendly spring and summer trends from www.goingzerowaste.com #ecofriendly #ethicalfashion #sustainablefashion #springtrends #summertrends

3. slip skirt & dresses:

I want to love this trend, I have really struggled trying to find a slip skirt secondhand. I’m not super crazy about the patterns on the ones available at Ref right now, but they do have a cute selection!

classic slip dress
slip dress with buttons down the front
slip skirt <——— this is the skirt I’m highly considering getting!

As far as slip dresses, I’m not entirely sure it’s for my body type since I’m pear shaped.

4. animal print:

I’ve never been really into animal print, but some sort of animal print is always in season. Starting last year snakeskin was THE HOT item. And, while I’m not going to be picking up any snakeskin pieces, I did pick up a pair of leopard print loafers from thredUP.

They look to be very high quality, and I’ve already worn them a few times! They’re made in Italy, leather, and pony hair. I always look for natural materials esp for shoes so the shoes are more breathable and last longer.

Check out this blog post if you’re interested in learning about the problem with synthetic clothing.

I think the loafers are a great subtle way to play into the trend, and hopefully since they’re a classic shape and a fairly classic animal print, they’ll serve me for a long time.

I think that leopard is the animal print with the most longevity, and I’ve noticed the slip skirt/animal print trend has naturally gravitated towards each other.

Leopard print slip skirt
Snake skin slip skirt
Leopard Print Bikini <——— GORGEOUS!


5. sneaks:

I do a lot of walking around town. Walking is my preferred form of transportation!

And, as much as I love my flats and loafers, after a few miles they can start to rub blisters so I decided it was time to invest in some sneaks. I picked up the perfect white pair from thredUP as well as a cute tan pair that I will be wearing all year long.

White sneakers are so in this spring and summer. I also think I should make a post dedicated to cute sneakers.

I don’t typically love the sneaker look, I’m not really a tennis-shoe kind of gal, but I’ve been seriously convinced and gravitating towards my white pair time after time.

THE cool girl sneaks <—— Meghan Markle brought a lot of awareness to this sustainable brand
Navy sneaks
Black sneaks with gold rivets
White Sneaks <——— Made using ocean plastics!

6. sandals:

Strappy sandals and squared off toes are in. I don’t think I’ll be opting for any sharp squared off heels, but I am interested in some strappy sandals.

Reformation just launched footwear and to be honest - I’m DYING.

The Menage Sandal <——— these are the ones I reallllyyy want!
Lucia Block Heel
Olivia Sandals
Mythologia Sandals

where to find ethical and eco-friendly spring and summer trends from www.goingzerowaste.com #ecofriendly #ethicalfashion #sustainablefashion #springtrends #summertrends

7. hair accessories:

This is one trend that I really want to try, but haven’t taken the plunge yet. I really love all the hair clips that I’m seeing around, but want to make the trend a little more Kathryn I’m looking for clips with pearls, bur I might get a few that are tortoise shell.

I’m not sure when or if I’m going to get to try this trend out.

I have found some super cute secondhand and ethical silk scarves that I’ve been using for my hair.

favorite silk scarf

8. neutrals:

Neutrals are classic so they’re always in style, but beige is all the rage! This one will be super easy to implement for me because I own a lot of khaki!

And, I just realized as you scroll through all of these photos you will see a recurring theme!! KHAKI.

Good news is this trend should be super easy to pick up on but the one item I am lusting after is a smaller wicker basket for the summer!

That’s a Wrap <——— a very versatile piece!
Bristol Pant
Kass Jumpsuit
Neutral Patchwork Tee <——— I think we’re going to be seeing patchwork come back in style in the fall
Lumi Bucket Bag

What trendy pieces are you looking to pick up this year?