The summer bounty is all around! So many fresh fruits and veggies are awaiting you - package free. All you need to do is head down to your local farmers market.
Photo credit my wonderful friend Gillian
Everyone at the market is happy to take back any rubber bands, twist ties, and even berry baskets making my hauls completely zero waste. Everyone is exceedingly accommodating and nice. All you have to do is ask!
There's a goat cheese vendor who sells his cheese in plastic. I told him I really wanted to buy his cheese, but I didn't buy anything in plastic. He showed up the next week with my cheese selection in a glass jar. Now we just trade glass jars back and forth at no extra charge!
Photo credit my wonderful friend Gillian
Shopping at the farmers market is the easiest way for me to eat whole, real food on a budget. I'm eating in season and locally. By shopping this way, I'm able to cut almost all of the carbon emissions used to transport food. Even if you can't shop at a market, try to buy in season. Buying tomatoes in December in Cali - is a bad idea. They had to travel half a world away, and don't even taste good.
Shopping at the market reduces overhead for the farmer; so, they're able to pass the savings on to you. I get almost all of my groceries for the week for two people between $25-35.
I have a market tote that I love! I still take it when my market hauls will be light. But when I'm carrying a lot of produce and glass jars I like to take my trolley. What I like to call my "granny trolley." It makes walking back home a breeze!
I bring a selection of cloth produce bags and a couple of mason jars. I like to store my berries in a jar. It's hot and berries sweat. I don't like getting my cloth bags stained.
Photo credit my wonderful friend Gillian
Everyone at the farmers market always compliments my cloth bags and my reusables. I have links to my bags on my FAQ page. I love getting to chat with my neighbors. So many people are inspired after seeing plastic free shopping in action!
the challenge:
I challenge you to get down to your local farmers market. Meet your farmers. Ask them how they grew their crop. They may be organic, but not have the certification.
Buy all of your fruits and veggies for the week without any plastic.