5 Secrets for Finding Joy in Life

If you’ve been around my website or Instagram for a while, then you know one of my favorite tag-lines and words that I use to describe myself is a 'climate optimist.'

Being a climate optimist is all about finding joy in life. Even when things look bleak, it's believing that together we can turn things around!

5 secrets for finding joy from www.goingzerowaste.com #zerowaste #findingjoy #ecofriendly #joy #joyful

This post was sponsored by Josie Maran, all thoughts and opinions are my own for more information please see my disclosure policy.

On my instagram, @going.zero.waste, I run a series where I round up positive environmental news stories each week.

I'm sure you wouldn't think positive news is controversial, but - oh, boy. I've caught quite a bit of flack for seeing the glass half full and choosing to focus on positivity.

A lot of people see that series as naive and harmful - yes, the word harmful has been used.

They're afraid if people see positives, then they'll stop trying to make a difference or quit pushing for change.

For me, it's just the opposite. When I read depressing climate news, I would feel sad and hopeless. It made me feel like giving up... like what I did, didn't matter at all.

But after reading good news, it encouraged me to keep fighting and proved that my actions do, in fact, matter. 

Focusing on the positive fills me with joy and makes me more productive. 

reducing stress:

These past few weeks have been stressful, and one of the main ways I've been reducing stress is setting aside a little bit of time to pamper myself.

One of the brands that's helping me do that, all while having a great impact on the environment is Josie Maran.

I've been using their argan oil in my hair after showering and it's added an amazing shine. I’m also loving their whipped argan oil body butter and their LIPSTICKS!

Josie Maran's argan oil comes from a UNESCO-protected region to help prevent deforestation and over-harvesting.

A single argan tree can live for more than 600 years and produce fruit throughout its entire lifecycle!

For every argan oil purchase through Sephora, they're donating $5 towards One Tree Planted, and on top of that they're doing a $10 give-back donation to first responders - which I think is amazing!

Their whipped argan oil face butter, whipped argan oil body butter and argan liquid gold self- tanning body oil are produced in facilities that utilize 77% renewable energy.

Most of their products are sold in glass bottles and jars which are perfect for upcycling. But they take full responsibility over all of their packaging because Josie Maran is partnered with TerraCycle to take back all of those empties.

5 secrets for finding joy from www.goingzerowaste.com #zerowaste #findingjoy #ecofriendly #joy #joyful

find what brings you joy:

A few weeks ago, I was chatting with one of my friends about how I was feeling really down.

I was in a general funk, and this friend, who happens to be a psychologist asked me a really important question...

"What things do you do regularly that bring you joy?"

I kind a looked at her blankly because I couldn't think of a single thing!

The only thing that came to mind was working. It was amazing to realize how much of my self-worth was tied up in my career and business.

When things started to taper off (like they have for a lot of businesses during this time) I felt lost.

Now was the time to start finding joy in other (healthier) places.

So, I started a practice documenting five things that bring joy into everyday life.

This should be a no-pressure exercise. These things don't have to be earth-shattering - heck, they don't even have to be different.

If wearing your favorite lipstick brings you joy today and tomorrow and the next day, take a mental note of it every day.

As you're going throughout your day, find the small moments that bring you joy and happiness.

Try it for a week, and if you notice things repeating, try and make time for those things especially on days when you’re not feeling 100.

I've been doing this practice for over a month and it's been so eye-opening!

I've listed a few of my favorites below, but make sure to check out my YouTube video to see even more!

  • house plants
  • putting on lipstick <---- I am in LOVE with the color 'LOVE IT' from Josie Maran!
  • Nala
  • flowers
  • fancy drinks
  • pampering my skin
  • walks with my family
  • dancing to my favorite tunes
  • singing
  • hot water
  • spending time with friends (currently via facetime)
5 secrets for finding joy from www.goingzerowaste.com #zerowaste #findingjoy #ecofriendly #joy #joyful

learn to celebrate all the things:

I stopped celebrating a long time ago. Big or small, the celebrations ceased to focus on more “productive” tasks. 

Instead of feeling proud, I'd jump straight into the next project and never give myself a second thought.

One way I’ve brought more joy and happiness into my life has been celebrating the small things.

So whenever I do something I'm proud of like putting up all of my laundry instead of letting it linger in the basket for five weeks, reformating all 600 of my blog posts, or finishing a chapter in my third book, I take a few moments to recognize the accomplishment and congratulate myself!

For too long, I've waited on recognition from others instead of giving it to myself. 

Try it out this week! Allow yourself a moment or two to say, "Good job!" Pat yourself on the back, and allow yourself to enjoy that feeling of accomplishment.

I’m congratulating myself right now. Because damn girl. I'm proud of you! Look at you. You're almost done writing this blog post and it's FABULOUS.

5 secrets for finding joy from www.goingzerowaste.com #zerowaste #findingjoy #ecofriendly #joy #joyful

express gratitude:

This one should come as absolutely no surprise, but expressing gratitude is consistently associated with greater happiness.

But, don't just take my word for it, here's the research.

Practicing gratitude shifts your perspective and changes the way you interpret situations.

It allows you to focus on the good instead of the bad, which will automatically help you have a better and happier day.

When you get into a gracious mindset and intentionally start looking for the good, the easier it becomes to both find it and recognize it.

Thankfully, it was pretty easy to find all of the good Josie Maran's doing when it comes to the planet!

They have some ambitious goals, and are already on their way to achieving them! By next year:

  • All boxes will be made using 100% recycled material
  • Their materials will be both Green e-certified and FSC-certified, meaning it’s always held to the highest social and environmental standards
  • Their product boxes will be printed in completely carbon-neutral facility
  • An even greater reduction of waste in manufacturing
5 secrets for finding joy from www.goingzerowaste.com #zerowaste #findingjoy #ecofriendly #joy #joyful

you have to choose happiness:

People ask me all the time, how I continue to stay positive even when the outcome seems bleak, and the answer is simple.

I am an optimist because I choose to be optimistic. I'm not just finding joy in life, I'm actively looking for it.

While some of us might be natural-born optimists, most of us have to train ourselves to seek out the good.

I used to dwell on a lot of negative emotions like sadness, jealousy, and anger, but everything shifted when I heard this Buddha quote, "Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die."

All of the negative emotions I had bottled up weren't solving my problems, and the only person I was hurting was myself.

I honestly thought, if I worried enough or were upset enough or if I CARED enough then I could solve the world’s problems, but it’s just not true. You don’t have to feel bad every day to prove that you care.

Related: 5 Tips for Dealing with Eco-Anxiety

5 secrets for finding joy from www.goingzerowaste.com #zerowaste #findingjoy #ecofriendly #joy #joyful

slow down:

Lastly, I’ve been finding joy in the slow and small moments. Being busy is overrated.

Worrying is one of my brain’s ways of feeling productive and active during ‘downtime’ (you can read more about that here) because I’ve become so tied to the idea that my worth = my productivity.

Logically, I know that’s false, but it’s going to take time for my subconscious to catch up.

Slowing down encompasses so many of the things we've already talked about in this post.

It's about taking time to celebrate the small things, focusing on what brings you joy, and taking a deep breath to focus on the present world.

It's amazing how shallow I breathe when I'm not paying attention or living in the moment, but when I take a deep breath it's so much easier to bring myself back into the present moment.

So when my mind starts to wander into the future or thinking about what comes next, I just take a minute to slow down and focus on the task that’s right in front of me whether that’s doing the dishes, watching a movie with Justin or getting ready for the day and putting on my favorite lipstick.

5 secrets for finding joy from www.goingzerowaste.com #zerowaste #findingjoy #ecofriendly #joy #joyful

I would like to thank Josie Maran for sponsoring this post

If you'd like snap up a bottle of their beloved argan oil, I want to remind you that they're donating $5 towards One Tree Planted, and offering a $10 give-back donation to first responders this month!

5 secrets for finding joy from www.goingzerowaste.com #zerowaste #findingjoy #ecofriendly #joy #joyful

Sustainable and Cheap - 15 Self-Care Ideas

Is anyone else having a hard time? Feeling a lot of anxiety and stress? I know that my mental health has definitely taken a hit.

If you're feeling the same way, you’re certainly not alone. It's easy to be stressed and overwhelmed with the current state of affairs or what’s going on with our planet.

If you haven’t, check out my blog post 5 Tips for Dealing with Eco-Anxiety. I go over a few ways that you can help manage your anxiety and stress around these events that are somewhat out of our control.

Sustainable, ethical and cheap 15 self care ideas from www.goingzerowaste.com #selfcare #sustainable #cheap #free #selfcareideas #wellness #takecareofyourself #pamperyourself #athome #inside

I’m not trying to downplay individual action because many of us can do small things that add up to a massive impact, but most of us aren’t currently in a position to make policy reform.

If you’re looking for more tips on how to incorporate sustainable practices in your life, be sure to check out my 31 Day Zero Waste Challenge.

I’m a bit shaken up right now, and I’m just trying to stay calm, relax, and wait it out - which is honestly a lot harder than it sounds.

So, I was thinking of a few inexpensive and sustainable ways that you could take your mind off what’s happening with a few self-care tips.

a warm drink:

I always like to start my day with a warm drink. I’m partial to a nice cup of tea. I prefer loose leaf tea because many tea bags can release millions of tiny plastic particles into your cup - yuck!

I typically brew my cup of tea in the early morning, and it’s nice to have that small bit of time to myself. It's nice to just to breathe, observe and check-in with myself. It's a great way to relax and start the day in a good mental space.

If you’re a tea drinker be sure to check out a few of my favorite sustainable tea brands.
If you’re a coffee drinker, I’ve got a great post on
how to brew a more sustainable cup.

Sometimes it’s also really nice to take around 10 minutes to brew a really nice specialty drink just for myself. Maybe a homemade hot chocolate or a matcha latte. Here’s a link to all of my favorite recipes.

Sustainable, ethical and cheap 15 self care ideas from www.goingzerowaste.com #selfcare #sustainable #cheap #free #selfcareideas #wellness #takecareofyourself #pamperyourself #athome #inside

face mask:

For me, self-care is simply about taking a few extra moments to indulge. It’s taking a little bit longer. It’s about enjoying the slow moments and opening up space in my day to just breathe and be without worrying about what I have to do next.

And, nothing puts the brakes on my day quite like applying a face mask. It’s about 10 minutes of waiting and pausing.

Bonus points if you combine a few of these self-care ideas together. Maybe throw a few deep breaths and meditate while it's working.

I’m not a huge fan of sheet masks because they’re pretty wasteful. I prefer to make face masks from a few simple ingredients that you can whip up in your kitchen or buy masks that come in small glass jars.

The jars can be upcycled and reused. You can apply these masks with your fingers or a brush if you’re feeling extra luxurious. When you buy a face mask in a jar, you’re saving money in the long run.

This five pack of sheet masks costs $35. It is an organic and natural skin-care brand, but for a similar price point, you could buy a small jar and get way more use than just five applications.

Here are a few of my favorite face masks you can give a try.

Sustainable, ethical and cheap 15 self care ideas from www.goingzerowaste.com #selfcare #sustainable #cheap #free #selfcareideas #wellness #takecareofyourself #pamperyourself #athome #inside

take a walk:

It’s no secret that getting outside and connecting with nature reduces stress levels. If you’re having a hard time then put on a pair of tennis shoes and go take a walk.

It’s nice having Nala around because she always encourages me to get outside the house even when I don’t feel like it… And, after I go on a walk I always wind up feeling a lot better.

In fact, I’m planning on taking the old girl out as soon as I finish writing this blog post, and for her, that can’t come soon enough.

Check out my post on sustainable and ethical activewear.

Sustainable, ethical and cheap 15 self care ideas from www.goingzerowaste.com #selfcare #sustainable #cheap #free #selfcareideas #wellness #takecareofyourself #pamperyourself #athome #inside

take a bath:

Now, I know that everyone thinks taking a bath is just wasting water, but depending on the size of your bathtub and the type of shower head you have, you might actually save water by taking a bath.

Before I switched to a Nebia Showerhead, if I were shaving, I’d save water by filling up my small bathtub.

Now, I only take a bath when I’m feeling super stressed out which is about a few times a year. I like to light a candle or two, and add in a few bath salts.

Bath salts are incredibly easy to make at home. I’ve got a wonderful recipe that’s easily customizable!

But, if DIY just isn’t your thing or you don’t have any Epsom salts lying around a friend gifted me a jar of Herbivore bath salts which I’ve really enjoyed!

Sustainable, ethical and cheap 15 self care ideas from www.goingzerowaste.com #selfcare #sustainable #cheap #free #selfcareideas #wellness #takecareofyourself #pamperyourself #athome #inside

deep clean:

If you’re feeling a little out of control, one thing you can do right now is clean. It’s great to see immediate progress being made in an area that you manage.

Cleaning is on the top of my self-care list.

I like to make my own cleaners because it’s better for both my health and the health of the planet. Plus it’s super easy and cheap!

A lot of conventional cleaning products are irritating to both the nose and throat due to artificial fragrances, volatile organic compounds (the same building blocks that create smog), and other toxic ingredients.

Most conventional cleaners are also packaged in plastic and many of them aren’t biodegradable meaning they won’t break down in nature.

Here’s a complete guide to eco-friendly cleaners.

If there’s a real nasty bug going around your house, then I recommend ditching the vinegar and instead of putting non-diluted 70% isopropyl alcohol or hydrogen peroxide into a spray bottle both of which have been given a green light by the CDC.

Sustainable, ethical and cheap 15 self care ideas from www.goingzerowaste.com #selfcare #sustainable #cheap #free #selfcareideas #wellness #takecareofyourself #pamperyourself #athome #inside


Similarly to cleaning, now is a great time to declutter. There’s something so refreshing about cleaning out an old drawer or cabinet and reevaluating what you truly need.

Now, you might think that decluttering is in complete opposition to a zero-waste lifestyle, but I would challenge that. Figuring out what we truly need allows us to share and redistribute our resources.

I wrote all about this in my post How to Declutter - The Zero Waste Way!

When it comes to decluttering, you don’t have to spend a dime. In fact, it’s one of the few ways you might be able to put a little extra change in your pocket, if you’re able to sell any of your items.

I personally like to send my gently used clothes back to ThredUp.

Sustainable, ethical and cheap 15 self care ideas from www.goingzerowaste.com #selfcare #sustainable #cheap #free #selfcareideas #wellness #takecareofyourself #pamperyourself #athome #inside


Few things bring me more joy than putting on a favorite tune and dancing away. Whether you’re a dancer or not crank some tunes and move your body!

You don't have to be good, you just have to start. This one practice always puts me in a good mood and gets me out of my head. It stops negative self-talk right in its tracks.

One of my favorite tunes to jam too is anything Abba. What about you?

read a book:

Reading is one of my favorite past times. Last year, for our anniversary my husband installed a hammock in my office. It’s the best place to snuggle up with a good book. I love to just relax and slowly sway.

I like to get lost in either a fiction book or read about topics I’m interested in like sustainability. If you’re interested in living a more sustainable lifestyle you should check out 101 Ways to Go Zero Waste.

If you’ve already read that one, here’s a list of sustainability books I love.

Sustainable, ethical and cheap 15 self care ideas from www.goingzerowaste.com #selfcare #sustainable #cheap #free #selfcareideas #wellness #takecareofyourself #pamperyourself #athome #inside

call a friend:

If you’re feeling down or lonely, pick up the phone and call a friend or family member. I know that I always feel better after chatting with my mom or one of my best friends.

To make this a double whammy, combine a few of these self-care tips. Talk with your loved ones while you’re taking a walk. Fresh air, being outdoors and good conversation. This always makes me feel good.

Sustainable, ethical and cheap 15 self care ideas from www.goingzerowaste.com #selfcare #sustainable #cheap #free #selfcareideas #wellness #takecareofyourself #pamperyourself #athome #inside


Similar to dancing or walking, getting your body moving is a great way to take care of yourself and feel good. To quote Elle Woods, “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't.”

One of my favorite apps is downdog. They offer several different types of movement like HIIT, Yoga, Barre etc. but their standard yoga is free to use. I like to use this when I wake up in the morning or before bed.

If you don’t want to download another app there are plenty of stretching and yoga YouTube videos.

GZWJanuary2020-138-min.jpegSustainable, ethical and cheap 15 self care ideas from www.goingzerowaste.com #selfcare #sustainable #cheap #free #selfcareideas #wellness #takecareofyourself #pamperyourself #athome #inside

watch an old favorite:

Speaking of Elle Woods, tune into one of your favorite movies or TV shows. I don’t like to binge watch when I’m not feeling super great. Sometimes, it can feel a little unhealthy lying down and not moving for hours. This tends to increase my anxiety and stress on the backend.

I like to watch a favorite movie because most movies have a very specific beginning and end where TV shows can suck you in for HOURS. I love TV shows too, just be cautious and maybe set a more strict time limit.

If you’re looking for any good documentaries, here are a few sustainable documentaries that I recommend.

Sustainable, ethical and cheap 15 self care ideas from www.goingzerowaste.com #selfcare #sustainable #cheap #free #selfcareideas #wellness #takecareofyourself #pamperyourself #athome #inside


This is one of the self-care strategies I need to get better about. I know that it's one of the best things I can do for my mental health.

I talked about meditation quite a bit in a recent post 10 Health and Wellness Habits You Should Adopt for the New Year.

I really like using the app calm for meditation. They do have a few free ones you can do, but I’m not a huge fan of guided meditations. I prefer just to sit with the ambient noise and have the bell chime every five minutes.

Sustainable, ethical and cheap 15 self care ideas from www.goingzerowaste.com #selfcare #sustainable #cheap #free #selfcareideas #wellness #takecareofyourself #pamperyourself #athome #inside

take a class:

Learning a new skill is a great way to improve yourself which I think is the ultimate form of self-care. If you’re looking to expand a new hobby then you should definitely check out Skillshare.

I myself have a great class on Sustainability Basics. It’s 50 minutes long and I would love for you to give it a watch! You can get a two-month free trial using my link skl.sh/kathryn.

You can get a preview of the class with the video below!

Sustainable, ethical and cheap 15 self care ideas from www.goingzerowaste.com #selfcare #sustainable #cheap #free #selfcareideas #wellness #takecareofyourself #pamperyourself #athome #inside

10 Wellness Habits You Should Adopt for the New Year

You might be wondering why I’m writing a blog post about adopting wellness habits for the new year when it’s already March. But, to be honest, the month doesn’t matter that much, you know?

I find myself drawn to setting intentions/resolutions closer to my birthday rather than the start of a new calendar year. It’s naturally a time of growth and rebirth which lends itself to reflecting and reevaluating.

But, it’s not my birthday either which just leads me to the point that, no matter what time of year it is, you should always prioritize putting your health first!

Healthy habits are always en Vogue whether it's January or July.

10 Wellness Habits You Should Adopt for the New Year from www.goingzerowaste.com #wellness #newyear #resolutions #health #healthandwellness #gogreen #sustainableliving #wellnesstrends #wellbeing #healthandwellbeing #healthyhabits #healthy

this post was sponsored, some of the links below are affiliate links.
For more information please see my disclosure policy.

It seems that there’s always a latest and greatest trend in the health and wellness space, which can feel pretty overwhelming. I feel like I got a little swept up in wellness culture last year, but on the whole, I built a lot of great habits that improved my health and well-being.

So, if you’re looking to kickstart a few healthy habits pick a few of these to start!

get outside:

We’re quickly becoming an inside generation with more than a quarter of Americans never venturing outside. (source) Many of us spend a lot of time looking at screens so one of the best habits I started last year was intentionally scheduling time to get outside!

My goal is to spend a little bit of time outside daily. It's great to get the blood flowing, exercise, and clear my mind.

Last year I started walking a lot more, and the easiest ways I’ve found were getting the right clothing, walking with friends, and getting into a good book! Of course, Nala helps as well!

When it came to exercise in general, I was wearing old ratty leggings that made my legs itchy every time I wore them…. this of course never inspired me to go out and get active.

I was pretty pumped to add a few pieces from tentree to my clothing rotation. Tentree as the name implies plants 10 trees for every purchase made.

To date, they’ve planted over 41 MILLION trees all over the world in countries like the US, Madagascar, Nepal, Indonesia, and more with a goal of planting 1 billion by 2030. Each of their planting programs are designed to reforest, reestablish habitats, and provide jobs.

Tentree prioritizes sustainable fabrics, ethical production, and their clothing is versatile easily transitioning from working around the house to getting outside to running errands.

10 Wellness Habits You Should Adopt for the New Year from www.goingzerowaste.com #wellness #newyear #resolutions #health #healthandwellness #gogreen #sustainableliving #wellnesstrends #wellbeing #healthandwellbeing #healthyhabits #healthy

take your vitamins:

I got really into supplements last year, you can read more in this blog post, eco-friendly and sustainable supplements. I started taking a daily multi-vitamin, B vitamin, probiotics, vitamin E, CBD, and I’ve been taking collagen.

I have also been boosting my immune system during cold and flu season with zinc, vitamin D, vitamin C, and echinacea.

I know that I don’t always eat the best. When you’re working 60-70 hours things can start to slip and for me, that was consistently making food. I wasn’t eating a very balanced diet so starting my daily supplement routine was one of the best things I’ve done for my health.

I’ve really been able to tell a difference in my skin, and after my husband got the flu for two weeks, I got a really mild version. But, it was so mild that I only ran a fever for about four hours cause I had been boosting my immune system like crazy. So, now even Justin is on the immune-boosting train.

When it comes to vitamins, I’ve been very impressed with MegaFood. They’re a certified B Corporation which means they meet a strict code of social and environmental practices. 

They have a very impressive roster of certifications like non-GMO project verified, and the first supplement brand to have its entire line certified glyphosate-free, tested for pesticides and herbicides, as well as many others.

And, when it comes to taking collagen, I’m a big fan of Further Food. They have great traceability and sourcing. They’re woman-owned right here in San Francisco and while they are packaged in plastic, they use 100% post-consumer recycled plastic #2.

Using recycled plastic reduces the carbon footprint by 78%, drastically improves the carbon footprint for travel due to it being lighter than glass, it consumes 90% less energy, and it’s pure plastic (not a mix!) so it can be recycled again and again.

10 Wellness Habits You Should Adopt for the New Year from www.goingzerowaste.com #wellness #newyear #resolutions #health #healthandwellness #gogreen #sustainableliving #wellnesstrends #wellbeing #healthandwellbeing #healthyhabits #healthy

keep tech out of the bedroom:

I started plugging my phone in the living room at night and it has changed my nights and my mornings for the better!

Yes, I can get out of bed, walk over to my phone in the living room, hit the snooze button, and go back to bed. I’ve done it a few times, but it’s way less likely than when the phone is right next to my head and I can just hit that snooze and sink right back into my mattress.

If you’re looking at getting a new mattress, I just learned about this memory foam mattress from Amerisleep which is made mainly from soybean extracts. It’s also made with a Greenguard certified fire sock instead of traditional fire retardants.

Their foam is made in a Variable Pressure Foaming (VPF) chamber which creates virtually zero emissions and is the only method for making foam that exceeds the standards in the Federal Clean Air Act.

Amerisleep also ships their mattresses in a box made from recycled content!

10 Wellness Habits You Should Adopt for the New Year from www.goingzerowaste.com #wellness #newyear #resolutions #health #healthandwellness #gogreen #sustainableliving #wellnesstrends #wellbeing #healthandwellbeing #healthyhabits #healthy

go to bed early:

Anyone else start watching Netflix and say, “I’ll just watch onnneee more before getting ready for bed”?

Then one more turns into “one more,” and before you know it you’re going to bed almost two hours later than you should be…

No, just me?

To avoid this, I’ve started setting an alarm about an hour before I want to go to sleep so I can really wind down and get ready for bed.

Having this extra time makes it so much easier to stick to a good skincare routine, oral care routine (hello, flossing), and I get to snuggle up in my favorite sheets, light a candle, and read right before I go to sleep.

We spend about a third of our lives in bed so having organic sheets is really important for me. SOL Organics have an incredible product that’s organic, fair trade, and they use no plastic packaging for shipping. Their new linen collection is made from 100% European flax linen. It's naturally hypoallergenic, moisture-wicking, and stonewashed for softness.

Linen is also antibacterial so if you suffer from acne, switching to a linen pillowcase might help. I know it’s made a huge difference in my skin. And, if that’s not good enough SOL Organics donates $7.50 from each sale to a charitable cause.

If you’re interested in giving these sheets a try you can use the code ’GZW25’ to get 25% off your purchase.

10 Wellness Habits You Should Adopt for the New Year from www.goingzerowaste.com #wellness #newyear #resolutions #health #healthandwellness #gogreen #sustainableliving #wellnesstrends #wellbeing #healthandwellbeing #healthyhabits #healthy

nail that skincare routine:

Speaking of nailing that good skincare routine, I finally have the time and energy (now that I’m not going to bed 2 hours late) to consistently use a face mask. There are a few different masks I’ve been rotating between one for acne, hydration, refining.

If you’re looking for a good all-around mask you should check out this one from 23 Skin.

It’s made from seaweed that’s been responsibly sourced from the coast of Maine where Justin is from! Anything from Maine has a huge soft spot in my heart.

But, seaweed is one of the most nutrient-rich plants full of anti-oxidants, minerals, amino acids, and trace elements. It’s perfect for smoothing, re-mineralizing, and rehydrating your skin.

23 Skin is vegan, and they don’t use fragrances, GMOs, artificial colors, flavors, or fillers. If you want to give it a try you can use the code ’KATHRYN20’ for 20% off!

10 Wellness Habits You Should Adopt for the New Year from www.goingzerowaste.com #wellness #newyear #resolutions #health #healthandwellness #gogreen #sustainableliving #wellnesstrends #wellbeing #healthandwellbeing #healthyhabits #healthy

make a point to floss:

This should be the top of the list of things that I should be doing. But, good intentions amiright?

Thankfully, with the nighttime routine I’ve mastered (most nights) I’m getting into bed early and making my oral health a priority.

I like to use a tounge scraper, brush with my bamboo toothbrush and then use a silk dental floss.

My tongue scraper and bamboo toothbrush are from one of my all-time favorite companies - Brush with Bamboo the word's only plant-based, certified organic bamboo toothbrush on the market!

One of the best things about choosing a bamboo toothbrush over a plastic one is that you can compost the toothbrush at the end of its life! This family-run business is one I love supporting.

When you need a new toothbrush, you’ve got to check out Brush with Bamboo and you can get 10% off your order with the code ‘goingzerowaste’.

10 Wellness Habits You Should Adopt for the New Year from www.goingzerowaste.com #wellness #newyear #resolutions #health #healthandwellness #gogreen #sustainableliving #wellnesstrends #wellbeing #healthandwellbeing #healthyhabits #healthy

incorporate more probiotics in your diet:

I cannot recommend taking a probiotic highly enough. I found taking one to be one of my most beneficial wellness habits. My skin improved, I was more regular, I felt better, and I’m just a huge believer in balancing that gut microbiome.

There are several sustainable companies that are making probiotics.

  • Seed - the first time you order, you receive a glass jar, which is shipped in a compostable mushroom tray. After that, the refills are sent in a compostable pouch which is pretty cool! You can get 15% off your order with the code ‘ZEROWASTE’

  • Arkadiance - comes in a glass jar, but my favorite aspect about this pill is that it protects Urinary Tract Health with Cranberry and D-Mannose, which have been clinically proven to assist with UTIs.

  • MegaFood - comes in a glass jar and they’re a certified B corporation who’s lobbying to ban glyphosate and support regenerative agriculture.

10 Wellness Habits You Should Adopt for the New Year from www.goingzerowaste.com #wellness #newyear #resolutions #health #healthandwellness #gogreen #sustainableliving #wellnesstrends #wellbeing #healthandwellbeing #healthyhabits #healthy

eat more plants:

Switching to a plant-based diet is one of the best things you can do for the planet as well as your health, mind, and body. Now, when I say a plant-based diet, I mean that the majority of your plate should be made up of plants.

I think the only thing that all nutritionists can agree on is that Americans should be eating more fruits and vegetables.

And, I’ve found that living a zero-waste lifestyle naturally lends itself to eating healthier. When you’re shopping for food without any packaging you eliminate a lot of processed foods so you tend to gravitate towards a diet that’s focused on those fruits and veggies.

Who’d a thought that switching to plastic-free living would be better for your waistline, the planet, and your health? And, I mean… what could be better than that?

Now, when I head to the grocery store, I like to make sure that in addition to bringing my reusable grocery bags, I also bring a few produce bags too! Simple Ecology makes a great set using organic cotton which are GOTS certified.

Be sure to check out my blog post if you’re looking for more tips on how to grocery shop without single-use plastic or creating any trash.

10 Wellness Habits You Should Adopt for the New Year from www.goingzerowaste.com #wellness #newyear #resolutions #health #healthandwellness #gogreen #sustainableliving #wellnesstrends #wellbeing #healthandwellbeing #healthyhabits #healthy

find a workout you love:

Now, these last two items are things that I’m really working on this year. I’ve yet to really find a workout that I love. I’ve tried spin class a few times, and I only really like it when it’s music I LOVE. Which means I’m only going when they play musical theatre songs….

I’ve tried Orange Theory once and I really liked it, but there’s not one super convenient to where I live. My husband is a big fan of rock climbing. I went with him last week and had a lot of fun, but I’m afraid of heights… so mostly stayed near the kids end which didn’t go up quite as high.

Justin got his climbing shoes from REI. And, if I find myself going with him more often, I’ll probably get a pair from them as well.

REI has a really robust secondhand marketplace for goods as well as a ton of rental options if you’re not sure you’re ready or need to own a piece of equipment.

I love REI for so many reasons but especially because they gave back more than 70% of their profits in 2018. They invested $8.4 million in 431 nonprofit partners that create access to the outdoors as well as over a million in rewilding projects.

So, right now my main form of exercise is just getting outside and going on really long walks as well as lifting some dumbells at home to try and keep my arms in shape.

When it comes to working out more sustainably my biggest tips are to remember your reusable water bottle, bring a small towel, and a small spray bottle to wipe down any machines.

There are so many great water bottle companies out there, but two that I really like are Klean Kanteen and Dopper.

As far as bringing a small towel, I love the SOL Organics hand towels. I always keep one in my workout bag, and don’t forget you can get 25% off with the code ’GZW25’.

And, I like to use this recipe to spray and wipe down my machines because it’s a great disinfectant.

I also have a full guide on sustainable and eco-friendly activewear companies as well as a YouTube video where I put several of the brands to a bend over test! See if they passed.

10 Wellness Habits You Should Adopt for the New Year from www.goingzerowaste.com #wellness #newyear #resolutions #health #healthandwellness #gogreen #sustainableliving #wellnesstrends #wellbeing #healthandwellbeing #healthyhabits #healthy

stretching and meditation:

This is one of the wellness habits I know I really need to build, but I've been a bit lazy about getting into a good routine.

Stretching and moving your body every day can help you get a good night's rest and improve the quality of your sleep as well as reduce stress levels.

Beyond just physical well being I'm want to focus more on my mental health this year and focus on reducing stress.

I know the fastest way to do this is to get better about meditation. I go through waves of incorporating this into my morning routine and writing this is just the kick in the pants I need to restart this daily practice.

There are a few apps that I like to use which are downdog for yoga and calm for meditation.

10 Wellness Habits You Should Adopt for the New Year from www.goingzerowaste.com #wellness #newyear #resolutions #health #healthandwellness #gogreen #sustainableliving #wellnesstrends #wellbeing #healthandwellbeing #healthyhabits #healthy


I hope that you found this blog post helpful for building a few new good habits that focus on your personal well-being.

And, honestly, there are a few I probably missed like making sure you drink enough water, getting enough sleep and the list goes on.

But, the most important thing is to just slowly start incorporating a few of these healthy habits at a time and not to get overwhelmed all at once.

This is a marathon, not a race! You should be focusing on your long-term health by creating a sustainable healthy lifestyle.

I would love to know which of these wellness habits you've nailed and which one you're working on right now?

I am definitely working on that stretching and meditation routine every day.

10 Wellness Habits You Should Adopt for the New Year from www.goingzerowaste.com #wellness #newyear #resolutions #health #healthandwellness #gogreen #sustainableliving #wellnesstrends #wellbeing #healthandwellbeing #healthyhabits #healthy
10 Wellness Habits You Should Adopt for the New Year from www.goingzerowaste.com #wellness #newyear #resolutions #health #healthandwellness #gogreen #sustainableliving #wellnesstrends #wellbeing #healthandwellbeing #healthyhabits #healthy