13 Unexpected Uses for a Mason Jar

If you've browsed the zero waste hashtag on instagram or even on google - you're bound to have seen a TON of mason jar pictures. I mean, what is our obsession with the mason jar? 

13 Unexpected Uses for a Mason Jar. The ultimate multi-tasking tool for any eco friendly and zero waste kitchen from www.goingzerowaste.com

Is it a hipster thing? Is it a throwback to the good ol' days? Or are we just mega frugal? I am definitely in the latter. I mean do you know how many things you can do with a mason jar!? 


I'm convinced I could definitely find 2,000 uses for a mason jar. Some may be redundant, though... so let's just stick with 13. 

Now what I find interesting is everyone has their preferred type of canning jar.


Weck jars are German canning jars. While they're the most aesthetically pleasing in my mind. They are difficult to deal with, and the clips are easily lost. The gaskets can lose their shape and are difficult to keep on the lids. They have glass lids, if you're nervous about plastic.

Le Parfait jars are French canning jars. They are very convenient. The tops stay with the base, which keeps everything very streamlined. The Italian jars Fido are very similar. They also have glass lids if you're wanting to 100% avoid plastic. My complaint with this style of jar is that it's heavy and has a lot of constraints with the lid always being attached. It is both a blessing and a curse. 

And, then we have the all mighty mason jar. My favorite workhorse. Plus, it costs on average a quarter from the thrift store. One-quarter! This is life changing. Or at least budget changing. Read on for my top thirteen uses for this gem. 

Some of the lids are metal and others are coated with plastic. 


13 Unexpected Uses for a Mason Jar. The ultimate multi-tasking tool for any eco friendly and zero waste kitchen from www.goingzerowaste.com

The average set of plastic tupperware costs $20 and has 12 pieces. You can buy 12 mason jars for $3. That is a bargain. They're perfect for leftovers. Whether you have leftover stir fry from a home cooked meal or if you're out at a restaurant. Opt out of the styrofoam to-go container at the restaurant and load the mason jar up with your leftovers. It's easy peasy!  


13 Unexpected Uses for a Mason Jar. The ultimate multi-tasking tool for any eco friendly and zero waste kitchen from www.goingzerowaste.com

Who needs a disposable coffee cup? Not you. You can also make coffee in a mason jar with a nut milk bag

baking dish:

Photo Credit: Citron Limette

Photo Credit: Citron Limette

Yeah! You can bake personalized meals inside of mason jar. Anything from banana bread to lasagna or mini pot-pies. Isn't it darling? 

biscuit cutters:

Photo Credit: Our Best Bites

Photo Credit: Our Best Bites

The mason jar bands are crazy versatile too. I like to make Justin biscuit breakfast sandwiches. The bands make a great biscuit cutter which leads to my next point...  

egg rings:

13 Unexpected Uses for a Mason Jar. The ultimate multi-tasking tool for any eco friendly and zero waste kitchen from www.goingzerowaste.com

To go with the perfect sized biscuits. Your eggs will be the perfect size to fit in the biscuit.  


13 Unexpected Uses for a Mason Jar. The ultimate multi-tasking tool for any eco friendly and zero waste kitchen from www.goingzerowaste.com

I have an entire post on takeout and a youtube video! Perfect for loading up on soups, sauces, and noodles. 

mini pie tins:

Photo Cred: Created By Dianne

Photo Cred: Created By Dianne

Instead of cupcakes, you can make mini pies with the mason jar rings. Y.U.M. I would make these with the metal lids and avoid the plastic based lids to avoid transferring BPS into your food. 

food storage:

13 Unexpected Uses for a Mason Jar. The ultimate multi-tasking tool for any eco friendly and zero waste kitchen from www.goingzerowaste.com

You can read more about food storage in my prep post and ways to avoid food waste. I store all of my dry goods in glass jars which keep the food fresh and free of critters. I also store a lot of my food in the fridge in glass jars. Lettuce will keep crisp for 2 weeks. 


I used several of my smaller jars to make candles. It's perfect for holiday parties. 

water bottle: 

13 Unexpected Uses for a Mason Jar. The ultimate multi-tasking tool for any eco friendly and zero waste kitchen from www.goingzerowaste.com

You can of course always use it as a water bottle in a pinch. Plastic-free so you don't have to worry about BPA or BPS leaking into your drinking water. 


13 Unexpected Uses for a Mason Jar. The ultimate multi-tasking tool for any eco friendly and zero waste kitchen from www.goingzerowaste.com

Of course, they're also great for organization. We have them in our workshop for tools, at the desk for office supplies, the kitchen for food, and the bathroom! I don't think there's a room in our house missing a mason jar. Way cheaper than some of the stuff that you'd buy at the container store. And, they look just as nice. 

beauty products:


I store all of my beauty products in glass jars too like lotiontoothpowder, and aloe vera gel. They're just so functional, and easy to keep everything air tight. 


13 Unexpected Uses for a Mason Jar. The ultimate multi-tasking tool for any eco friendly and zero waste kitchen from www.goingzerowaste.com

When I'm jamming in the kitchen making buffalo cauliflower and energy bites I place my phone in a shallow glass jar. It works just as good as an iHome, without actually having to buy an iHome. 


13 Unexpected Uses for a Mason Jar. The ultimate multi-tasking tool for any eco friendly and zero waste kitchen from www.goingzerowaste.com

You can also use them as drinking glasses. Comes in super handy for parties. If you're running short on glasses, or you want to give your friends something you don't mind them breaking. Is it really a party if someone doesn't break a glass? 

Of course, you don't need any fancy jars. A lot of you have jars already. Pasta sauce, jam, or other condiments come in glass jars. I still have all of my old sauce jars. I just keep them in the freezer. That way if one of them happens to break I don't cry too much over it. After all - I did spend an entire quarter on my pretty mason jars. 

Do you have a certain style you prefer? What do you use glass jars for? I know I missed a ton of unique things; so share down in the comments!